My Pets: Updates on Elvis the Hermanns Tortoise

It has been a while since I gave you updates on how Elvis has been settling in to his new home, so I decided to make this video today to share some exciting news with you and to update you on how Elvis has been getting on!

We will be moving in to a new house really soon, and for Elvis that means he gets his own awesome house upgrade! He will be able to benefit from an outdoors environment when we build his garden enclosure, as well as having the warmth and security inside the shed at the bottom of our garden. We are so excited to create this upgrade for him and I cannot wait to get started!
It has been quite good timing as well, as Elvis will soon being going into hibernation – his first ever hibernation! I am a little nervous to hibernate him, as he is a 20-year old little man who has never been hibernated in his whole life! We are off for a vets visit on Friday, so he well get a thorough health check, and the vet can advise us on any changes we may need to make for him due to his special needs. Hibernating him this year means that we will be able to pop him in his little hibernation fridge as we move into the new house, and by the time he wakes up again in the spring we will have a fantastic new house all ready for him to move in to!! I plan to make a video all about our experiences with hibernation, so stay tuned if you want to check that out.

For now, enjoy the video! and enjoy these recent photos of Elvis…

Fluffy Jellyfish out.

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